We are excited to announce that joining us for the first-ever Pennsylvania March for Life on Monday, May 18th is Abby Johnson! The former Planned Parenthood director now travels the globe sharing her pro-life story, one that was put to the big screen in the movie Unplanned released last year.

"I left [Planned Parenthood] after I assisted in the ultrasound-guided abortion of a 13-week-old fetus and realized humanity in the womb existed." - Abby Johnson

As we work to build Pennsylvania as a state where life is protected from conception to natural death, we are so excited to be getting closer to this first-ever Pennsylvania March for Life. People from across the Commonwealth are planning to march with us in this historic event. Here are some details to help you plan your trip to Harrisburg.

"We will bring abortion to an end through the March for Life and other pro-life initiatives, we will build a culture of life in the United States." - Jeanne Mancini, President - March for Life


Bus Captains

The official drop-off location for any bus or vehicle joining us for the Pennsylvania March for Life will be on 7th Street between North Drive and South Drive. Capitol Police will be closing the lane closest to the sidewalk to allow for safe drop off.

If you have a bus coming which you would like to be listed, please fill out this form to share that information with us.

More details can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions portion of the website: PaMarchForLife.org


Schedule - Monday, May 18

11:00AM - Rally at the PA State Capitol

12 noon - March begins


Free Parking and Shuttle Available

The Pennsylvania March for Life is able to offer free off-site parking and a free shuttle service. The parking is available at the Elmerton Parking Lot, located at 116 Azalea Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110. The free shuttle service is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Knights of Columbus.

There are additional parking and transportation options to consider:

  • Parking: City Island ($10 per day), Various parking garages. Options: parkharrisburg.com
  • Train: The Harrisburg Amtrak Train Station is four blocks away from the Capitol Complex. 
  • Bus: The Harrisburg Greyhound Bus Station and the Transfer Center for CAT Bus Services are 4-5 blocks from the Capitol Complex.

Confirmed Speakers

Ryan Bomberger

Founder, The Radiance Foundation

Abby Johnson

Pro-Life Activist, Former Planned Parenthood director

Jeanne Mancini

President, March for Life


Become an official Participating Group

There are so many individuals and groups already participating with us to help this first-ever PA March for Life have a significant impact. We want to connect with pro-life groups around the state who are coordinating support for the PA March for Life and we want to show appreciation to so many who are helping to make this all possible. That's what become an official participating group is all about.

There are already over a dozen participating groups! For details on how to become an official participating group, contact Dan Bartkowiak at dbart@pafamily.org or 717-545-0600.


More details to come!
For future alerts, sign-up at PaMarchForLife.org or text PAMARCH to 73075.
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Sean Maguire - Event Coordinator
ourseanmaguire@gmail.com | 717-222-8588
