Dear Friend, Despite justified outrage here in Pennsylvania and across the country, University of Pennsylvania swimmer “Lia” Thomas (who is biologically male) is still being allowed to compete against women. Thomas will race this week at the NCAA swimming championships, and has a good chance of erasing two Olympic female champion’s names from the record books. And as you’ll read shortly in some articles I’ve linked to below, the issue here is much larger than fair sports competition. It is serious, and must be resisted. In the 500 freestyle, Thomas (remember, he is a man, identifying as a woman) could very well top the record set by the incredible Olympian swimmer, Katie Ledecky. He even has a greater chance of breaking an American record and removing Olympian Missy Franklin's name in the 200 free. If Thomas beats either of these records, one or both women will have had their names unfairly displaced, and the women who come in second will have had the hard-earned opportunity for glory stolen from them by an ideology that is wreaking havoc on our society and our children. It’s a scenario that’s being played out in girls’ and women’s sports in Pennsylvania and across the country. And it’s wrong. But, as I’m sure you understand, the issue and concern is much, much deeper. Today, I’m taking the liberty of including two important articles from two very different writers that give insight into just how dangerous the transgender ideology to individuals, families and society. I do hope you’ll take time to read them, and if you are so inclined, to let me know your reaction. First up is this op-ed by the very secular liberal Mandy Stadtmiller. Here’s how Mandy titled her article, which as you can see, states it very plainly: “University of Pennsylvania Systemically Abuses Young Women By Forcing Them to Compete with and Undress In Front Of a Man Who Physically Humiliates Them and Makes Them Call Him a Woman.” Stadtmiller asks, “Can you imagine the psychological travesty if we were to force young women to compete with men and tell them to simply ‘try harder’?” These women are forced to share a locker room and undress with a man who still has all his male body parts intact. They are then required to call that man a “woman.” Stadtmiller rightfully calls this “abusive and insane, cruel and unusual.” I defy any rational, sensible mom or dad (or anyone) not to see the injustice being wrought by this dangerous, “progressive” ideology in this latest stage of the sexual revolution. It’s a clear case of calling evil things good, and good things evil. And that brings us to the second article I encourage you to read. It is from Dr. Carl Trueman, a pastor, theologian, historian, and professor at Grove City College, who, writing in First Things, describes the dangerous trajectory of this sexual revolution. “In short, there is a clear push to grant LGBTQ+ ideology a favored legal and cultural status that enforces it without compromise. It also labels any and all dissent as morally evil. You don’t have to be an Old Testament prophet to see where this is all heading, or at least where those in power hope it is heading…The family must be dismantled; biology must fall to gender ideology; dissenters must be discredited and vilified.” There is even more than women’s sports at stake. The sexual revolution is threatening the family unit, parental rights, religious freedom, and much more. Our culture is denying basic realities, legislating based on lies, and forsaking God’s design. Our job is to speak out and stand on principle, regardless of the consequences we may face. With your continued partnership and prayerful engagement, that is what we at PA Family are doing, and will continue to do. |